Leet Township Site Plan Applications and Ordinances

Leet Township Ordinances set forth the requirements for site development in Leet Township. Site Plan submissions should be made to the Leet Township Manager two weeks in advance of the Planning Commission Meeting. The application should include the Preliminary Site Plan Application, the Allegheny County Subdivision and Land Ordinance Application, and applicable fees. The Ordinance requires 7 complete copies of the plan to be provided for the Planning Commissions review. 

*Please be aware that the ordinances listed below may not be a comprehensive list of all ordinances related to your site plan. Please contact Township Manager Betsy Rengers for further information regarding site plan submissions. 

Click on the links below to review Leet Township Ordinances and GIS Links for site plan development:

Chapter 8: Grading and Excavation:  https://ecode360.com/31313716 

Chapter 22: Subdivision and Land Ordinance:  https://ecode360.com/31311017

Chapter 8: Flood Plains: https://ecode360.com/31316866

Chapter 27: Zoning: https://ecode360.com/31310223

GIS Hyperlink for Property Research: https://arcg.is/0WG95v

Click on the link below for the Leet Township Fee Schedule:

RESOLUTION 2023-09 Ordinance Review Fees

Click on the link below for a fillable PDF Site Plan Application:

Preliminary Site Plan Approval Application

Click on the link for the fillable PDF Allegheny County Subdivision and Land Ordinance Application:

Application for County Approval (4)