Leet Township Civil Service Commission
The Leet Township Civil Service Commission is an employment system for the Leet Township Police Department that includes these general elements:
- Hiring and promotion on merit after a competitive examination process and the creation of a list of candidates.
- Protection against dismissal or other adverse employment action except for good cause or budgetary complaints.
- Procedural rights to most adverse employment action including a hearing before a Civil Service Commission or the municipal governing body.
The Leet Township Civil Service Commission will hold Regular (R) Meetings on the first Wednesday of every month and Special (S) Meetings on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM at the Leet Township Municipal Building, 194 Ambridge Avenue, Fair Oaks, PA 15003. Meeting dates for 2024 are:
January 3 (R), 17 (S)
February 7 (R), 21 (S)
March 6 (R), 20 (S)
April 3 (R), 17 (S)
May 1 (R), 15 (S)
June 5 (R), 19 (S)
July 3 (R), 17 (S)
August 7 (R), 21 (S)
September 4 (R), 18 (S)
October 2 (R), 16 (S)
November 6 (R), 20 (S)
December 4 (R), 18 (S)
The meetings are open to the public. Additional information such as meeting agendas may be obtained at the Leet Township Municipal Building, Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 4:30 PM, on the Leet Township website “leettownship.org/homepage”, or on the bulletin board outside the Leet Township Municipal Building.