Fair Oaks Volunteer Fire Department
A rare breed all across the country is our beloved volunteer fire departments. In part, it’s due to lack of financing, state funding, grant allocations, and diminishing courageous volunteers. Sure, it’s a hard job, deadly at times; yet there are those that dedicate the time they have towards keeping our families no matter the time of day or night; they aren’t paid, sometimes they aren’t even thanked.
Our Township, in part, subsidizes the F.O.V.F.D. along with various fundraisers [Turkey Bingo and the yearly fundraising letter], and small grants that are applied for through the grant process. Is it enough to keep a volunteer fire department going? More than ever they need your continued support.
In our township we have a unique opportunity with having our very own fire department. They count on our financial support and generous donations in order to operate and replace aging equipment in the future.
Please give to our neighborhood heroes, they give to us priceless protection every time those bells tone out, no matter the circumstances or conditions in which they fight.
Visit the Fair Oaks VFD website at http://www.fovfd.org/. Be sure to check the FOVFD website regularly for event notices!
Click below for more information from Allegheny County regarding campfires and burning in Allegheny County:
- Fair Oaks Fire Station