Department of Public Works
The Department of Public Works serves the citizens of Leet Township by repairing and maintaining our public streets, alleys, parks, playgrounds and storm water infrastructure within the community. We work year round to make our streets safe and accessible by clearing them of snow, ice or storm debris; we also make sure our storm water drains are working and repair potholes and cracks on the streets. In addition we maintain all local traffic and street signs as well as painting street lines to insure that motorists can safely travel through our community. During the Spring we start grass cutting on Township property and during the Fall we offer a large scale curbside leaf pickup program.
Residents having a question or problem regarding Township maintenance should call the Public Works Department at the number listed above. Please leave a message if there is no answer, we will be happy to return your call.
Please note that any problems or concerns for Camp Meeting Road should be directed to Allegheny County Maintenance, District 1 @ 412-931-2517. Camp Meeting Road is actually a County owned roadway!
In addition, Main Street and Ambridge Avenue [Route # 4036] is a State owned roadway. If there is a problem or concern you will need to contact PennDot @ 412-429-5010.